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Directory Assistance:  Finding Your Family History in City Directories

Directory Assistance: Finding Your Family History in City Directories In-Person

Looking for records in-between U.S. censuses that may reveal your family's relationships, movements, occupations, and other stories?  Directories may help you build year-by-year narratives about their lives.  You'll learn what's in city directories, how to explore them in major online collections and elsewhere, and how to use them in conjunction with other resources to reconstruct more detailed, nuanced narratives about your family's history.  

This will be a hybrid program.  The presenter may be virtual or in-person and participants may attend in person or virtually with a provided link. 

Meeting link:  https://sanduskylibrary.webex.com/sanduskylibrary/j.php?MTID=m4a849626df7105d31b41ab3751e5f2a3
Password:  city

Registration recommended but not required. 

Thursday, August 11, 2022
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
Library Program Room
Sandusky Library:
Sandusky Library
  History & Genealogy Programs  
Registration has closed.

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